
Reclaiming My Life
In a few weeks, it’ll be the marking of five years since being hurt on that horrible day. September 7, 2019 —> September 7, 2024.
recent blog post

hope and survivor’s guilt
Having hope after any traumatic experience is challenging, especially when the road ahead feels endless.

self-publishing also means self-promoting
I chose the self-publication route when deciding how I would share my story with the world.

my process
it didn’t matter what time of day it was. at least 80% of the best of the worst was written with an iced coffee between my keyboard and me.

a review from humboldt
One of my professors at Humboldt, Professor Janet Winston, wrote this review about my book! I am including it here in its entirety: “We are other, no longer what we were before the calamity of yesterday.” This epigraph, from Samuel Beckett’s Proust (1931), opens...

thanks to rainmaker publishing for making it all happen!
I want to give a shout-out to the company i partnered with to make this book a reality!

Be aware of different brain types
The general public should understand that not everyone’s brains work the same way. Some of us need extra explanations, slower explanations, more time to process what is asked, and even extra instruction.