self-publishing also means self-promoting

Sep 13, 2024
em owen

self-publishing also means self-promoting

I chose the self-publication route when deciding how I would share my story with the world. Self-publishing was much faster and would give me results sooner than if I’d gone through traditional publishing channels. In a stroke of good luck, my uncle put me in contact with a friend who had self-published a book with Rainmaker Publishing.  Rainmaker ended up being the greatest, and their founder held my hand through the process. But who knew this route also meant self-promotion? I thought all I had to do was write the book. 

Turns out that in 2024, one of the main things this includes is establishing a social media presence. I hate posting on social media. Some of my thoughts just can’t be summed up in the word count allowed. My Instagram author account (@em.writes.poems)  and my Facebook (emily silver owen) author page barely have any followers, so it feels like I am just screaming into an empty room. But I am slowly accepting that I need to work to fill that room. 

Luckily, I have an amazing aunt who believes in my book’s mission of helping people with my story. She tirelessly helps me figure out what I should be working on and is helping me try to get on local talk shows and other platforms to bring my words to a larger audience.  We are trying to get my book in front of the people who it can help.  One of things we are doing is working with the facilities I was at during my recovery. As part of that, I was recently interviewed by one of the clinics I was in, as a patient success story.

I never thought when I was in the thick of it that I’d come out as a success story. I was just putting one foot in front of the other, until I got to where I am today. So many people are helping me get the word out. You can help me too! Buy my book “The Best of The Worst,” and tell everyone you know about it! 

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